-Tom Del Beccaro
Seven out of ten of the richest counties in America surround Washington D.C..
That is no surprise, considering government spending (from the city to federal level) is now nearly 40% of the American economy. Indeed, government is now the largest industry in America. So, where has Washington D.C. been getting its money? The private sector, of course. Every dollar it takes from the private sector is a dollar taken away from a private sector business or wage earner. As a result, we have less.
How much less? Well, over the past 50 years, on average the American economic growth rate has nearly collapsed from 5% to 2%. During the same half century, government spending has increased over 400%. Mere coincidence? Hardly. Economic growth hasn’t been magically stifled by a mythological gnome, it has been fleeced by a real-life IRS.
Although a primary goal of tax reform is to leave more money in the pockets of private sector Americans, making it easier to file our tax returns is another major objective. Americans spend over 6 billion hours a year complying with tax codes and filings. That is wasted time and unproductive energy – unless you are a CPA. President Trump wants to decrease the size of government, whilst increasing the size of the private sector, and I believe he has a common sense tax reform plan to do just that.
A drastically simplified tax code would achieve president Trump’s agenda of common sense tax reform. It leaves more money in the hands of private sector Americans and their companies, while simultaneously making it easier for millions of Americans to do our taxes. Once passed, it will boost the economy for a simple common sense reason – we will have more to spend, save and invest.
Please join me at www.cafortaxrelief.org and sign the White House petition in favor of tax reform.